The BLC staff and Board of Directors would like to send a special thank you to our Trail Crew Volunteers who clocked in over 100 hours of their time in 2020 to maintaining and building the Spring Creek Nature Trail. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
With the global pandemic keeping us all at home for most of 2020, the Spring Creek Nature Trail provided solace to many. Whether parents, aka Home School Teachers, used the trail as an outdoor classroom, or your neighbor found joy in a forested area to exercise, or you just wanted to get out of the house, the nature trail was used more than ever this year. Without our dedicated trail crew, we would not have this beautiful piece of nature that so many people have been able to escape to and find a little bit of normalcy in an otherwise unprecedented year.
Thank you, trail crew, from all of us!
100+ Hour Trail Crew Volunteers in 2020
Carolyn Carothers
Aram Derewetzky
Peter Jensen
Brian McCulloch
Diana Philpot
Tom Philpot
Don Sprague
John Stacy
Not all Trail Crew members pictured
Not all Trail Crew members pictured